
Pest Control for Pillbugs in Columbus, OH

(614) 294-2847

Potato bugs, sowbugs, pillbugs – this bug has a lot of different names, and you’ve probably seen them around before. Here at Quality Pest Control, we offer the pest services you need in Columbus, OH, to keep pillbugs out of your home and off your property. Give us a call today to help with pillbug control.
Why Bother With Pillbug Control?
As many homeowners are aware, these rollie-pollie bugs don’t harm your property or your family because they don’t carry diseases or eat away at your home’s innards. However, they can become a nuisance for you and your family if they breed in your property.
Because they eat plant matter, these bugs often frequent gardens and lawns around your home, and they can invade your home in search of more food. While they aren’t necessarily dangerous, no one wants dozens of pillbugs crawling around their home. These bugs still aren’t clean or sanitary, so you don’t want them in your children’s rooms or in the kitchen.
Pillbug Pest Control

Why Call Quality Pest Control?

  • Quality Pest Control has served Columbus, OH, and the surrounding area for decades, and we are a full-service pest control company. We offer maintenance plans that you can customize to fit your needs so that you never have any unwanted visitors in or around your home. Whether you need quarterly or bi-monthly inspections, we can help.
    We have experience with most types of pests, including:
    • Termites
    • Bedbugs
    • Cockroaches
    • Ants
    • Bees and wasps
    • Centipedes
    • Earwigs
    • Fleas
    • Spiders
    If your home has a pest problem, whether you have pillbugs around your kitchen or spiders in your basement, give our team of professional pest control contractors a call. We’ll be happy to help keep your home clean and safe for everyone.


If you’re concerned about a problem reoccurring, we offer bi-monthly and quarterly maintenance plans as well. We’ll stop by whenever you need us to in order to keep your home completely pest free. Call us today at (614) 294-2847 to set up an inspection with our licensed professionals.

Contact Us 

We’re ready to help you get rid of pests at your home or business. Call Quality Pest Control and schedule an appointment with our uniformed, licensed and professional technicians today!

Call to Schedule an Appointment 

(614) 294-2847

Contact Us

Email: smpoulton@aol.com

Phone: (614) 294-2847

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

