Ground Beetles

Ground Beetle Treatment for the Columbus, OH, Area

(614) 294-2847

Does your home or business have a ground beetle infestation? Let Quality Pest Control help. We can provide the ground beetle treatment your property needs so that you can have peace of mind. We are happy to serve the Columbus, OH, area.
What Are Ground Beetles?
Ground beetles are small insects that often measure an inch or smaller. They have three pairs of legs and two sets of wings, with long mandibles they use for chewing their food.
Where Do They Like to Live?
While most ground beetles are outside around trees, leaves, or stones, some ground beetles can get into your home or business via cracks in the doors and windows. Inside, you can find them in basements or under objects on the floor.
What Damage Do They Cause?
While ground beetles are generally harmless to people, they can become a nuisance insect if they become an infestation inside the property. They also can eat seeds and pollen from crops, which could harm your plants, especially if you rely on them for food or income.
How Can I Get Rid of Ground Beetles?
While small amounts of ground beetles are easy to vacuum up, a large infestation requires professional help. At Quality Pest Control, we can evaluate your home, discover the extent of your infestation, and apply professional ground beetle treatment to eradicate the issue. If your home requires further treatment, we’ll gladly come out and repeat the process until the ground beetles are gone.
Ground Beetle Pest Control

Discover Our Solutions

We understand that each home has different ant extermination needs. Because of this, we offer a variety of maintenance plans to keep your home free of ground beetles and other pests. In addition to our one-time services, we provide quarterly, bimonthly, and monthly maintenance to ensure your home is always safe and free of ants and other pests.
Take advantage of our ant extermination services and live peacefully once again. You won’t worry about ants in your cereal or ants eating away at the structure of your home. Embrace the comfort of a pest-free home with our help.

Schedule Our Services

Since 1983, we have served the good people of Columbus, OH, and we plan on serving you for years to come. We use our experience to provide comprehensive pest control services to give you peace of mind.
Discover what Quality Pest Control in Columbus, OH, can do for you. Call (614) 294-2847 to schedule our ant extermination services today.

Contact Us 

We’re ready to help you get rid of pests at your home or business. Call Quality Pest Control and schedule an appointment with our uniformed, licensed and professional technicians today!

Call to Schedule an Appointment 

(614) 294-2847

Contact Us


Phone: (614) 294-2847

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

